Full Name: |
Mailing Address: |
City |
Zip |
Country |
Email Address |
Telephone Number: |
Date of Birth |
Have you accepted Christ as your LORD? Yes
No |
Have you received the call from God to
become a Christian Minister? Yes
No |
Which type of license are you applying
for: All Fees are non-refundable |
Ordained Minister |
$75.00 Application Fee |
PayPal |
Check |
Licensed Minister |
$50.00 Application Fee |
PayPal |
Check |
Cell Group Leader |
$25.00 Application Fee |
Pal |
Check |
Cell Group Sponsor |
$10.00 Application Fee |
Pal |
Check |
Marital Status: |
Single Divorced
Separated |
Are you in harmony with all the Core
Doctrines of The Lord's Children? Yes
No |
Please check all articles and sections of
our doctrinal statement contained in the "Our Beliefs" section
of Mission/Beliefs that you are not in agreement with. There is an area
below where you can enter your scriptural basis for such disagreement.
Area's of disagreement may NOT necessarily disqualify you from a
leadership position with The Lord's Children. We are seeking
a "full disclosure" of your core doctrinal beliefs. |
1 Purpose |
2 Statement of Faith |
3 Core Doctrines |
1: Bibliography: The Holy Bible |
Old Testament
New Testament |
2: Theology Proper - God |
Theopaterology 2.2
Christology 2.3
Pneumatology |
3: Anthropology - The State of Humanity |
4: Soteriology - Salvation |
Section 5: Angelology |
5.1 Satan and His Demons: Fallen Angels |
5.2 Holy Angels |
Section 6: Ecclesiology - The church |
Definition |
6.2 The Universal Church |
6.3 The Local Church |
6.3.1 Local Church Offices |
6.4 Gifts of the Holy Spirit
6.4.1 Prophesy |
6.4.2 Service |
6.4.3 Teaching |
6.4.4 Exhortation |
6.4.5 Giving |
6.4.6 Leadership |
6.4.7 Mercy |
6.4.8 Word of Wisdom |
6.4.9 Word of Knowledge-Illumination 6.4.10 Faith |
6.4.11 Healing |
6.4.12 Miracles |
6.4.13 Distinguishing of Spirits |
6.4.14 Tongues |
6.4.15 Interpreter of Tongues
6.4.16 Apostle |
6.4.17 Helps |
6.4.18 Administrator |
6.4.19 Evangelist |
6.4.20 Elder |
. |
. |
6.5 The Gospel |
6.5.1 The Person of Jesus
6.5.2 The Message of Jesus |
6.6 Ordinances of The Church: Baptism,
Communion, Laying On of Hands |
Section 7 - Eschatology: The Study of Last
Article 4 Affiliation |
Article 5 Fellowship |
Article 6 Council of Elders |
Section 1 - Principles of Eldership Control |
Section 2 - Composition of The Council |
Section 3 - Appointment of Elders |
3.1 Qualifications of Elders |
Section 4 - Powers |
Section 5 - Appointment of Deacons |
Section 5.1 Qualifications For Deacons |
Specify with Scriptures which of the above
checked items you are in disagreement with: |
Please state your reason for requesting a
license: |
How have you come to sense God's call upon
your life? |
Do you sense a specific calling on your
life? i.e., missionary, evangelist, pastor, cell leader, etc. |
Are you prepared to study the appropriate
biblical books necessary to meet the requirements? Please check one
Yes No |
What type of Christian service have you been
involved with in the past? |
Please describe your home or facility where
fellowship and bible services will be held: |
If granted a license, will you faithfully
follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Council of
Elders and avail yourself to serve this local Church? Please check one
No |
If you are a member of another church,
please submit the following information: |
Name of Current Church: |
Name of Pastor: |
Church Address: |
City: State:
Zip: |
Church Phone #: |
I understand that in no way am I guaranteed
to be issued a license unless the Council of Elders, at their sole
discretion, determine that I qualify to receive one. By applying, I
affirm that all statements made on this application is/are true and
correctly and accurately reflect my current beliefs as of the date of
this application. I further agree to be bound by all requirements,
regulations and doctrinal positions of The Lord’s Children.
If after the date of this application and upon the issuance of a license
I alter, change, modify, or question any position or belief, or have a
change in marital status, I am duty bound to inform the the Council of
Elders of The
Lord’s Children immediately.
I also agree that if approved for a license I shall place an original
signature to this application if submitted via The Lord’s Children
Website and that said signature is indeed the true signature
of the individual applying for license. |
Typed (full) name of applicant: |
Payment Options
Please note that application will not be processed
until payment is received
By Check payable to: The Lords Children
Mail to: POB 141204, Staten Island, NY 10314-1204
Pay securely with your Visa or MasterCard through
Our church PayPal account is: