911 Tribute


The 9.11 attack upon the United States of America has dramatically impacted not only those directly affected by the events but the entire community of humanity.

The Lord has graciously allowed me the privilege and the sorrow to volunteer my time at ground zero for three days during the first week following the collapse of the World Trade Center and to work with those in need of grief counseling.

During the early days of this war against freedom, I’ve written some thoughts and observations from my time at ground zero and some subsequent thoughts on the Christian’s response to this war on terror. I pray this section will be a blessing to you all.

Diary Notes

These are some of my thoughts and observations I’ve jotted down from my experiences at ground zero. These are unedited for they represent my gut emotions and initial thoughts at that time. As a result, they are a bit incoherent at times, sketchy and disjointed. I’ve decided to leave this “as is” for they reflected my state of mind at the time.

Wake Up Call

This is a letter the Lord put on my heart to write Monday, September 17, 2001. I sent this to the letters to the editor section of many national and local newspapers, government officials, Christian ministries and churches, cable and network news outlets, Christians via email, internet chat rooms and discussion boards. I was “shocked” at the response this received. Pray for America.

9.11 Links

I’ve included some of the better links that people have emailed me concerning how those around the world have responded to the attack on America. It’s links like these that show the best of God’s creation.

Photo Gallery

This is a list of photo’s from a number of different sources. Some were sent to me by the photographer’s and some have become public domain. I’m just now getting around to posting the photos. It still seems so surreal and distant, like an recurrent nightmare about an imaginary place so far away. But now 1 year has passed, NY is home and the persistent tears remind me how real it is.

Annual Memorials We've included a few articles sent to us from Christians in Great Britain concerning their perspective on 911. These articles do not necessarily reflect our view of events but does offer a non-American Christian perspective. We also posted artwork and prints distributed to the participants at the memorial service at ground zero, and included some general thoughts from our founder who was invited to attend the memorial service.


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